Infotour organized to tourism corridors in Azerbaijan

Infotour organized to tourism corridors in Azerbaijan The State Tourism Agency organized an infotour along the northern, southern, north-central and western tourism corridors with the participation of representatives of tour operators and travel agencies, video bloggers and independent guides in order to dev
December 13, 2023 16:52
Infotour organized to tourism corridors in Azerbaijan

The State Tourism Agency organized an infotour along the northern, southern, north-central and western tourism corridors with the participation of representatives of tour operators and travel agencies, video bloggers and independent guides in order to develop ecotourism in Azerbaijan and promote this activity.

Report informs, citing the agency, that the infotour covered various ecotourism activities along four tourist routes, Shahdag, Ghzil-Aghaj, Hirkan and Goygol National Parks and other nature areas.

Guba, Gusar, Shamakhi, Ismayilli, Gabala, Lankaran, Lerik, Astara and Goygol districts were visited as part of the visit. The participants were demonstrated the services offered to promote ecotourism activities and community participation in the tourism industry, as well as historical and cultural tourism products that support this activity.

The development of ecotourism in natural areas, national parks and other areas considered important from the point of view of tourism and promoting these areas as ecotourism destinations is one of the priority directions of the tourism development strategy in Azerbaijan.

It is aimed to ensure the sustainability and sustainable use of biological diversity through the promotion of ecotourism activities, to increase the level of employment in the regions by achieving the support of the "green growth" country concept through the tourism industry.

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