A new project funded by EU and aimed to protect the rights of the most vulnerable children and young people in Azerbaijan. Project was launched today by Mr. Johannes Hahn, EU Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations and Mr. Edward Carwardine, UNICEF Representative in Azerbaijan, with the EU contributing 3 million Euros to support access to quality community and family-based integrated social services in health, nutrition, early childhood development (ECD), inclusive education, social services and child protection and youth development.
The new project to be implemented in partnership with the UNICEF was launched with the support of the National Paralympic Committee. During the event children with disabilities were able to showcase their skills and talents. Involving adolescents with disabilities, with a special focus on girls, in sport is an important part of the EU project implemented in partnership with UNICEF.
"The European Union supports civil society organisations (CSO) providing inclusive community based outreach services. Most of the funds available for this project will be channelled via our CSO partners to support their work with vulnerable children and young people in Azerbaijan", highlighted the EU Commissioner.
The project will contribute to enhancement of civil society as a valued and trusted ‘third sector’ to work alongside public and private sector entities in delivering the broadest range of support to vulnerable children across the country through community-based organisations. It will also contribute to the establishment of national standards across several sectors, strengthened technical and management capacities of civil society, and the modelling of high impact, cost-effective services and programmes at national and sub-national level through the engagement of CSOs.