These forums are essential in terms of protecting the rights of children and taking their interests into account, Bahar Muradova, chairperson of the State Committee for Family, Women and Children's Affairs, said at the 5th All-Republican Forum of Azerbaijani Children,
According to Muradova, the participants of the forum were selected from among thousands of children.
"At the end of the forum, decisions will be made, a letter of thanks will be sent to President Ilham Aliyev, and appeals will be made to international organizations," she said.
Muradova noted that 26.2 percent of the Azerbaijani population are children.
"The proposals voiced by children at the 4th Forum were taken into account by the relevant agencies," she said.
Muradova noted that, unfortunately, there are still reports of early marriages: "One of the problems is violence against children. There are special committees in the regions to combat their consequences. Parental responsibility is also an important issue in protecting children's rights."