Ukraine extends martial law, mobilization for 10th time

Ukraine extends martial law, mobilization for 10th time The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine extended martial law and general mobilization in the country for another three months - until May 13, 2024, an MP from the Voice faction Yaroslav Zheleznyak said, Report informs via Ukrainian media.
February 6, 2024 12:04
Ukraine extends martial law, mobilization for 10th time

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine extended martial law and general mobilization in the country for another three months - until May 13, 2024, an MP from the Voice faction Yaroslav Zheleznyak said, Report informs via Ukrainian media.

The special regime has been extended for the 10th time since the start of the war.

The decision to extend martial law was supported by 335 MPs and 323 MPs voted for the extension of mobilization.

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