Russian defense minister visits defense sector enterprises in Far East

Russian defense minister visits defense sector enterprises in Far East Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has checked the fulfillment of a state procurement contract at the Zvezda defense plant in the Far East, the Russian Defense Ministry told journalists, Report informs, citing TASS.
September 15, 2023 10:18
Russian defense minister visits defense sector enterprises in Far East

Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has checked the fulfillment of a state procurement contract at the Zvezda defense plant in the Far East, the Russian Defense Ministry told journalists, Report informs, citing TASS.

The ministry said that the plant director told Shoigu about the maintenance and upgrading of nuclear submarines and the construction of a floating dock facility.

"The head of the Defense Ministry drew special attention of the plant’s leadership to the schedule compliance in fulfilling the defense contract. Shoigu demanded to use Zvezda’s production capacities to the utmost in order to finish repairing and upgrading the submarines," it stressed.

The top Russian military official also visited the Progress helicopter plant in the same region. There, he was shown a manufacturing process in the mechanical processing and aggregate and final assembly workshops.

Progress Director Sergey Shamshura told Shoigu that the final assembly workshop involves both work on producing new helicopters and on upgrading those that are carrying out missions in the special military operation zone. According to him, in 2023, the volume of the state procurement contract doubled at the plant which produces Ka-52M attack helicopters.

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