Relatives of missing servicemen block street next to Armenian Cabinet of Ministers

Relatives of missing servicemen block street next to Armenian Cabinet of Ministers Dozens of relatives of the servicemen, who went missing during the 44-day war, have blocked the central avenue in Yerevan next to the Armenian government building, demanding to hold a meeting with Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan
November 3, 2021 15:26
Relatives of missing servicemen block street next to Armenian Cabinet of Ministers

Dozens of relatives of the servicemen, who went missing during the 44-day war, have blocked the central avenue in Yerevan next to the Armenian government building, demanding a meeting with Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, Report informs citing TASS.

The protest action is broadcast in real time by local news websites.

“We won’t leave until Nikol Pashinyan accepts us. We only want to meet with him to learn about the fate of our children,” one of the protesters said.

The special police forces have repeatedly tried to unblock traffic along the avenue, but the relatives of the missing soldiers refused to comply with their demands. As a result, this led to a traffic jam.

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