PUBG-obsessed Turkish teen attacks bystanders with axe and knife

PUBG-obsessed Turkish teen attacks bystanders with axe and knife In a shocking incident that unfolded in the central Turkish city of Eskişehir, an 18-year-old fan of the popular online game PUBG: Battlegrounds went on a rampage, attacking people on the street with a knife and an axe. At least five individuals were inju
August 13, 2024 09:01
PUBG-obsessed Turkish teen attacks bystanders with axe and knife

In a shocking incident that unfolded in the central Turkish city of Eskişehir, an 18-year-old fan of the popular online game PUBG: Battlegrounds went on a rampage, attacking people on the street with a knife and an axe. At least five individuals were injured in the terrifying assault, according to Report, which cites Turkish media.

The Turkish Minister of Justice, Yılmaz Tunç, confirmed the incident through a post on the social media platform X. He stated that the prosecutor's office is conducting a comprehensive investigation into the incident in Eskişehir.

"The attacker has been detained," he said.

According to reports from the Turkish newspaper Hurriyet, the young man, clad in a steel vest and helmet, emerged from his home and began assaulting people at a tram stop while live-streaming the attack online.

A quick-thinking police officer managed to subdue the attacker and call for backup.

The victims of the attack were promptly transported to a nearby hospital for medical attention. Authorities are currently investigating whether the perpetrator suffers from any mental disorders that may have contributed to this violent outburst.

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