MP accuses Russian FM of pushing Armenia towards destruction

MP accuses Russian FM of pushing Armenia towards destruction Gagik Melkonyan, an MP from PM Pashinyan's Civil Contract party accused today Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov of ‘pushing Armenia towards destruction’, Report informs, citing Armenian media.
September 11, 2023 17:28
MP accuses Russian FM of pushing Armenia towards destruction

Gagik Melkonyan, an MP from PM Pashinyan's Civil Contract party accused today Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov of ‘pushing Armenia towards destruction’, Report informs, citing Armenian media.

"Lavrov wants to lead our country to destruction. Have you seen any of his programs that would be in favor of Armenians? Russia has always decided for us, told us where to go, who to be friends with," he said.

Melkonyan emphasized that Armenia should rely on itself, but at the same time look for friends.

"Until now, we have pinned our hopes on Russia, which would present Armenia with conditions: We had a choice - Russia or Türkiye. We chose Russia, but there are other countries with whom we should be friends: India, European countries, the United States, Iran," he said.

In the MP's opinion, there is no point in relying on the CSTO or Russia.

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