Media: Ukraine shoots down Russian plane from Patriot air defense system

Media: Ukraine shoots down Russian plane from Patriot air defense system US defense officials and congressional staffers said that Ukrainian troops have in recent weeks used the US-made Patriot air defense system to shoot down at least one faraway Russian fighter jet
May 19, 2023 09:29
Media: Ukraine shoots down Russian plane from Patriot air defense system

US defense officials and congressional staffers said that Ukrainian troops have in recent weeks used the US-made Patriot air defense system to shoot down at least one faraway Russian fighter jet, Report informs referring to CNN.

The Russian jets have largely been staying behind Russian defensive lines, making them difficult for Ukraine to target with shorter-range systems like NASAMs.

The Russian planes the Patriot targeted were on a bombing run to fire missiles against Ukrainian targets, US officials said, which Russia has been doing throughout the past year to maximize civilian casualties.

The officials said the Ukrainians were responsible for making their own firing decisions once the west provided the Patriot systems, noting it is up to the Ukrainians when and how to engage the Patriots to protect their people.

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