Lukashenko endorses amnesty bill

Lukashenko endorses amnesty bill The bill on amnesty on the Day of People's Solidarity has been signed by President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko.
December 8, 2022 13:36
Lukashenko endorses amnesty bill

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has signed the bill on amnesty on the Day of People's Solidarity.

Report informs via Belarus media that the process will cover almost 8,500 people with around 1,600 people to be released from detention facilities. The law implementation term is six months.

The amnesty won't cover those who committed crimes related to drugs, extremism.

The pardon act will include minors, pregnant women, as well as citizens who have dependent children under 18 years (except those who perpetuated a crime against an underage person). It also covers pensioners, people with disabilities and those with serious chronic diseases.

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