Qatar's PM describes current regional situation as "recipe for escalation everywhere"

Qatar's PM describes current regional situation as "recipe for escalation everywhere" Military strikes will not contain attacks by Yemen's Houthis on commercial shipping lanes in the Red Sea, but an end to the war in Gaza will, Qatar's prime minister said on Tuesday during the World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos, Report informs, ci
Other countries
January 16, 2024 16:24
Qatar's PM describes current regional situation as recipe for escalation everywhere

Military strikes will not contain attacks by Yemen's Houthis on commercial shipping lanes in the Red Sea, but an end to the war in Gaza will, Qatar's prime minister said on Tuesday during the World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos, Report informs, citing Asharq Al-Awsat.

Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani described the current regional situation as a "recipe for escalation everywhere" and said Qatar believes that defusing the conflict in Gaza will stop the escalation on other fronts.

"We need to address the central issue, which is Gaza, in order to get everything else defused. If we are just focusing on the symptoms and not treating the real issues, the solutions will be temporary," he said.

Sheikh Mohammed said US and British attacks create "a high risk of further escalation and further expansion of" the conflict.

"We always prefer diplomacy over any military resolutions," he said.

Without a viable, sustainable two-state solution in Israel and Palestine, the international community will be unwilling to finance the reconstruction of Gaza, Sheikh Mohammed said.

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