UNIAN Director-General: Report works well in covering war in Ukraine

UNIAN Director-General: Report works well in covering war in Ukraine Report works well in covering the war in Ukraine, Director-General of the Ukrainian news agency UNIAN Mikhail Gannitsky told Report.
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January 19, 2023 12:47
UNIAN Director-General: Report works well in covering war in Ukraine

Report works well in covering the war in Ukraine, Director-General of the Ukrainian news agency UNIAN Mikhail Gannitsky told Report.

"We read Report, we read your articles during the liberation war in Karabakh two years ago. We realized that the Armenian side uses the same methods as the Russian side, spreading fakes, distorting information and facts, playing on emotions," he added.

"Two years ago, we signed a cooperation agreement with your agency, which involves the mutual use of news about our countries. This is very important because, for Russia, the distortion of facts is already the norm, Russian propaganda spends huge resources on imposing its point of view. The Russian language is widely spoken, many people know it, and this gives Russia the opportunity to have an impact. We saw that during the Karabakh war, Russia completely took the side of Armenia. Unfortunately, some Ukrainian media at first, due to misunderstanding, sometimes took news from Russian sources," Gannitsky noted.

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