Samad Seyidov: Unfounded, biased statement by Chairman of US Senate Committee on Azerbaijan is a source of deep disappointment

Samad Seyidov: Unfounded, biased statement by Chairman of US Senate Committee on Azerbaijan is a source of deep disappointment The unfounded, biased statement by the Chairman of the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Benjamin Cardin, on the human rights situation in Azerbaijan is a source of deep disappointment, the Chairman of the International and Inter-Parliamentary Rel
Milli Majlis
January 31, 2024 18:57
Samad Seyidov: Unfounded, biased statement by Chairman of US Senate Committee on Azerbaijan is a source of deep disappointment

The unfounded, biased statement by the Chairman of the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Benjamin Cardin, on the human rights situation in Azerbaijan is a source of deep disappointment, the Chairman of the International and Inter-Parliamentary Relations Committee of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Samad Seyidov, said in a statement in response to the unfounded and biased claims by the Chairman of the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Benjamin Cardin, Report informs.

The statement reads:

“We would like to let B. Cardin know that our country has been a dependable and responsible member of the international community ever since it gained independence in 1991. The successful endeavours of Azerbaijan upon the majority of international platforms rely specifically on the solid and unequivocal support of the international community. For instance, the 120 Member States of the Non-Aligned Movement have recognised the contribution our country has made to the evolution of this platform, in effect the world’s second-largest after the UN for the number of participants and influence capacities, especially so during the Azerbaijani chairmanship of this organisation.

“It is no coincidence that our country was deemed fit to host in 2024 the COP29, one of the most important events in the world, in consideration for her role in a continued expansion of international dialogue and co-operation, respectful attitude to international rules and interaction standards, and for her principal stance. That decision was supported by all the members of the international community, including the USA. None the less, B. Cardin is blackmailing our country ahead of the COP29, operating with false and unproved data from biased organisations and circles, which is an unfounded and provocative approach to Azerbaijan orchestrated by the said circles and, especially so, by the Armenian Lobby.

“We could recommend that B. Cardin pay attention to corruption, bribery, and other similar illegal activities rooted in the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations instead of voicing lopsided and partial views on Azerbaijan.

“Given, then, his predecessor R. Menendez’s activities in the Committee, conducted jointly with his Armenian patrons and steeped in bribery, facts of theft, and self-seeking, Senator Cardin might do well to investigate that grave legacy of corruption.”

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