Parliament approves penalties for motorists invading bike lanes

Parliament approves penalties for motorists invading bike lanes In a move to enhance road safety and protect the rights of cyclists, the Parliament of Azerbaijan has approved amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses, introducing fines for drivers who encroach on bicycle lanes.
Milli Majlis
June 21, 2024 14:29
Parliament approves penalties for motorists invading bike lanes

In a move to enhance road safety and protect the rights of cyclists, the Parliament of Azerbaijan has approved amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses, introducing fines for drivers who encroach on bicycle lanes.

Report informs that, according to the new legislation, motorists caught driving on bike paths will face a penalty of 100 Azerbaijani manats (approximately $59).

The draft amendments were discussed in the first reading during today's parliamentary session. The newly added Article 327.1-2 of the Code stipulates that vehicles, other than bicycles and small electric transport, will be subject to the 100 manat fine for driving on bicycle lanes.

Following the discussion, the amendments were put to a vote and passed in the first reading.

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