Fazail Aghamali: I will resign from party chairmanship soon - INTERVIEW

Fazail Aghamali: I will resign from party chairmanship soon - INTERVIEW ​“What is an opposition representative expected to do, scream or fight?”
Milli Majlis
October 24, 2018 10:35
Fazail Aghamali: I will resign from party chairmanship soon - INTERVIEW

Baku. 24 October. REPORT.AZ/ Interview of Report with the Member of the Parliamentary Committee on Legal Policy and State Building, Deputy, Chairman of the Ana Veten (Motherland) Party Fazail Agamali.

- Do you continue your treatment?

- No, I have completed my treatment. It is more than 10 years that noe that I pass routine medical examination every year.

- Have you been treated in Baku or abroad?

- I received treatment both in Baku and in foreign countries. Most part of my treatment was in Turkey.

- The Motherland Party, where you are a chairman, is financed from the state budget. Do these funds meet your needs?

- Previously we were not allocated financial assistance, so we had difficulties. We could not even pay the monthly fee of the party headquarters. We did not provide financial assistance to district organizations either. The parties represented in the Milli Majlis have been allocated financial assistance from the state budget for several years. We solve certain problems via this funds. Therefore, we are grateful to our state. It must be admitted that there is no interest on partying and politicization in Azerbaijan. The absolute majority of the people supports the state and the President.

- It is sometimes argued that opposition parties are not represented in parliament. What is your opinion?

- Opposition parties are also represented in the Milli Majlis of Azerbaijan. What is an opposition representative expected to do, scream or fight? There are quite different people in the Parliament. There is a political pluralism there. Representatives of the opposition parties represented in the Milli Majlis express their alternatives to various laws, in some cases their proposals are taken into consideration. The stance of the opposition should be expressed in this way. Opposition does not mean shouting, insulting or swearing ... We bid farewell to such type of opposition, that period has already passed. Oppositional thoughts should be in the mind, in the system of views. They should not be destructive, but they should try to make a contribution.

- Will you nominate your candidacy for the next time?

- Well, there is still time ahead: two years ...

- Is it possible to hold extraordinary parliamentary elections?

- I do not expect extraordinary parliamentary elections. There is no ground for this. What happened in the country that requires extraordinary elections? The parliament continues its activity normally. There is no basis for dismissing Milli Majlis.

- If Fazail Aghamali resigns from the party chairmanship, is there anyone to replace him?

- Even if there is no such person, it will be found. There are enough promising people at the Motherland Party. Simply, we do not exaggerate and wait that he will become a serious social order. I think it is time to resign from the chairmanship of the party. Probably this issue will be resolved in the near future at the next congress.future at the next congress.

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