Clean streets, clean sea: Azerbaijan takes bold move to curb littering

Clean streets, clean sea: Azerbaijan takes bold move to curb littering The Milli Majlis, Azerbaijan's parliament, has approved the first reading of a bill that significantly increases fines for littering from vehicles. The move comes as part of the country's efforts to keep its streets and waterways clean and pristine.
Milli Majlis
October 8, 2024 14:46
Clean streets, clean sea: Azerbaijan takes bold move to curb littering

The Milli Majlis, Azerbaijan's parliament, has approved the first reading of a bill that significantly increases fines for littering from vessels.

Report informs that, according to the proposed amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses, the fine for throwing garbage and other objects overboard from ships will increase tenfold, from 30 to 300 manats (approximately $18 to $176).

But it's not just ships that are targeted by the new legislation. Littering from any vehicle onto roads and road structures will also face severe penalties. Individuals caught in the act will be fined 200 manats ($118), while officials will face a steeper fine of 1,000 manats ($588). Legal entities will be hit the hardest, with a whopping 4,000 manats ($2,353) fine for littering from their vehicles.

The bill was put to a vote and approved in the first reading.

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