Azerbaijani parliamentarians suggest selling antibiotics by prescription

Azerbaijani parliamentarians suggest selling antibiotics by prescription Antibiotics should be sold by prescription in Azerbaijan, a member of the Health Committee of the Milli Majlis Kamila Aliyeva said.
Milli Majlis
June 20, 2023 14:11
Azerbaijani parliamentarians suggest selling antibiotics by prescription

Antibiotics should be sold by prescription in Azerbaijan, a member of the Health Committee of the Milli Majlis Kamila Aliyeva said.

According to Report, she recalled that today antibiotics in the country are sold without a prescription: “There are even advertisements in the media, which leads to serious problems. Therefore, antibiotics must be sold by prescription. There is such an experience in the world.”

Chairman of the Health Committee of the Milli Majlis Ahliman Amiraslanov noted that the sale of antibiotics in pharmacies without a prescription should be strictly controlled: “Antibiotics in pharmacies should be sold by prescription, and this should be seriously controlled. Selling antibiotics without a prescription can lead to serious consequences."

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