Azerbaijan tightening marriage laws for illegal immigrants

Azerbaijan tightening marriage laws for illegal immigrants In a bold move to curb illegal migration, Azerbaijan is proposing amendments to its Family Code that would prohibit foreigners residing illegally in the country from marrying Azerbaijani citizens
Milli Majlis
June 3, 2024 16:10
Azerbaijan tightening marriage laws for illegal immigrants

In a bold move to curb illegal migration, Azerbaijan is proposing amendments to its Family Code that would prohibit foreigners residing illegally in the country from marrying Azerbaijani citizens.

The proposed changes aim to close a loophole that has been exploited by some illegal immigrants seeking to avoid deportation, Report informs.

According to the document, many foreigners living in Azerbaijan without proper registration or documentation have been choosing marriage with an Azerbaijani citizen as an easy way to remain in the country. This practice, along with the potential abuse of privileges granted to foreigners married to Azerbaijani citizens, has been identified as a significant obstacle to the effectiveness of measures taken to prevent illegal migration.

The draft amendment specifically targets Article 12 of the Family Code, which outlines the circumstances under which marriage is not permitted. If passed, the revised law would add foreigners or stateless persons illegally staying or residing in Azerbaijan to the list of individuals prohibited from marrying Azerbaijani citizens.

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