Rules for foreign media reps to operate in Azerbaijan revealed

Rules for foreign media reps to operate in Azerbaijan revealed The rules for the operation of foreign media representatives in Azerbaijan have been reflected in the new bill on media.
December 10, 2021 11:30
Rules for foreign media reps to operate in Azerbaijan revealed

The rules for the operation of foreign media representatives in Azerbaijan have been reflected in the new bill on media.

Report informs, citing the bill, that the legal status and professional activity of foreign journalists and other foreign media representatives accredited in Azerbaijan are regulated by the normative legal acts of the Republic of Azerbaijan and international agreements to which it is a party.

Branches and representative offices of foreign media entities in Azerbaijan shall be opened in cases stipulated by international agreements to which the Republic of Azerbaijan is a party.

Accreditation of foreign journalists in Azerbaijan is carried out by a body (institution) designated by the relevant executive authority.

When other countries impose special restrictions on the professional activities of journalists included in the Media Register, Azerbaijan may impose the same restrictions on journalists from the countries which applied those restrictions.

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