International travelers witness devastation and rebirth of Aghdam

International travelers witness devastation and rebirth of Aghdam A group of international travelers embarked on a journey to the city of Aghdam, Azerbaijan, to witness firsthand the aftermath of the Armenian occupation and the ongoing efforts to rebuild and restore the once-thriving city.
July 25, 2024 17:25
International travelers witness devastation and rebirth of Aghdam

A group of international travelers embarked on a journey to the city of Aghdam, Azerbaijan, to witness firsthand the aftermath of the Armenian occupation and the ongoing efforts to rebuild and restore the once-thriving city.

According to Report, during their visit, the guests were given a sobering tour of the destruction wrought by Armenia during the years of occupation. The scars of war were evident in the crumbling buildings and shattered infrastructure, serving as a poignant reminder of the human cost of conflict. However, amidst the ruins, the travelers also saw signs of hope and resilience, as Azerbaijan works tirelessly to reconstruct its beloved city.

The group made stops at the recently restored Aghdam Mosque, a symbol of the city's rich cultural heritage, and paid their respects at the Alley of Martyrs, honoring those who sacrificed their lives in defense of their homeland.

The travelers were also shown historical photographs depicting Aghdam before occupation and destruction.

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