Inspection of vessels with Ukrainian grain to be carried out at anchorage near Istanbul

Inspection of vessels with Ukrainian grain to be carried out at anchorage near Istanbul Inspection of dry cargo ships with grain transported from Ukraine, most likely, will be carried out at the Turkeli anchorage near the Bosphorus, Report informs via TASS.
July 26, 2022 13:34
Inspection of vessels with Ukrainian grain to be carried out at anchorage near Istanbul

Inspection of dry cargo ships with grain transported from Ukraine, most likely, will be carried out at the Turkeli anchorage near the Bosphorus, Report informs via TASS.

According to the TASS source in Ankara, the anchorage is located at the northwestern entrance to the strait at a distance of at least 5 miles. "This is a fairly large area, ships are raided there, and if necessary, control measures are carried out by the Coast Guard units," the source said.

Representatives of the joint coordinating center created under the quartet agreements signed on July 22 in Istanbul on the supply of agricultural products from Ukraine will be engaged in checking ships both at the entrance to the Bosphorus and at the exit.

As previously reported, the center was created on the basis of the Turkish National Defense University and is located in the Levent region. According to local media, 20 people will work in it: officers of the Armed Forces of Turkiye, the Russian Federation, Ukraine and representatives of the UN. It will be led by an admiral of the Turkish Navy. Control over safe navigation on grain transportation routes from Ukrainian ports will be carried out around the clock.

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