Export earnings of Azerbaijan's aluminum manufacturer increase

Export earnings of Azerbaijan's aluminum manufacturer increase Azeraluminium LLC exported products worth $12.2 million.
March 1, 2021 16:55
Export earnings of Azerbaijan's aluminum manufacturer increase

Azeraluminium LLC, a subsidiary of Azerbaijan Industrial Corporation OJSC, exported products worth $12.2 million in January 2021, Report informs, citing the Export Review of the Azerbaijani Center for Economic Reforms Analysis and Communication.

According to the company, this figure is $4.4 million or 56.4% more than in the same month last year.

Azeraluminium LLC is the leading company in Azerbaijan in the field of non-ferrous metallurgy and the only producer of primary aluminum in the South Caucasus. The main office of the aluminum complex is located in Ganja, Azerbaijan’s second-largest city. The complex includes four plants (electrolysis plant, anode processes plant, continuous casting and rolling plant, cold rolling and painting plant), two auxiliary facilities (110 kW silicon rectifier station, mechanical repair unit).

The company’s products are manufactured according to international standards and are widely used in various fields worldwide. Azeraluminium exports 90% of its production to over 15 countries.

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