Moroccan ultramarathoner travels 7,500 km in 106 days

Moroccan ultramarathoner travels 7,500 km in 106 days “I traveled 7,500 km in 106 days”, the Moroccan ultramarathoner Karim Mosta, who is visiting Baku, told reporters, according to Report.
Individual sports
May 23, 2024 13:19
Moroccan ultramarathoner travels 7,500 km in 106 days

“I traveled 7,500 km in 106 days”, the Moroccan ultramarathoner Karim Mosta, who is visiting Baku, told reporters, according to Report.

The world champion expressed his satisfaction at being in Azerbaijan: "I express my gratitude to everyone. It is a great honor for me to have Mr. Ambassador here. It was very good to cycle with children. I wanted to visit other countries and meet different people. I traveled 7,500 km from Casablanca to Baku in 106 days. I was well received in every country I visited. Since I crossed the border, I have met only kind people in Azerbaijan. Police officers show the way, even explain something, offer tea. I also visited a bicycle factory in Ismayilli.”

Mosta also announced his next route: "I wanted to see the Caspian Sea. Then I will go to Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and China. Then, I will finish the marathon. In total, I plan to travel 15,000 km from Casablanca to Beijing. So far, I have been to 145 countries, and I have achieved my dream of coming to Azerbaijan. My journey is not over. I will go to China. My goal is to retrace the paths traveled by the Moroccan Ibn Battuta nine centuries ago. He crossed Azerbaijan with camels and on foot. And I do it by bicycle. I will leave Azerbaijan with great memories."

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