ISESCO Director General: "Azerbaijan has become an international platform"

ISESCO Director General: "Azerbaijan has become an international platform" Baku. 25 October. REPORT.AZ/ Azerbaijan is developing despite the problem of Nagorno-Karabakh. The world should be fair to resolve these issues, ISESCO Director General Abdulaziz bin Othman al-Tuveyjri said in his speech at the VI Baku Humanitarian Forum.
Foreign policy
October 25, 2018 11:52
ISESCO Director General: Azerbaijan has become an international platform

Baku. 25 October. REPORT.AZ/ "Azerbaijan is developing despite the problem of Nagorno-Karabakh. The world should be fair to resolve these issues," ISESCO Director General Abdulaziz bin Othman al-Tuveyjri said in his speech at the VI Baku Humanitarian Forum.

He noted that the occupation of the territory by another country is contrary to international law: "We should take our steps in accordance with the principles of these rights. Today many people in the world suffer from wars and poverty. We should restore justice in the world. Baku Forum is a step forward in this direction."

The Director General emphasized that the international community should focus on establishing justice in the world: "We should address the world and say: 'We are brothers and sisters. The world must join efforts and mobilize. Equality must be provided. We work with our partners and by cooperating with international institutions, we prove that our works must reach the ideals that serve humanity. We should be a single family. Koran, Bible and Torah praise the equality of people. We cannot use various dimensions on justice in the world.

"I traveled many places around the world and witnessed the misery of people. We should work for the future of our own countries. Azerbaijan is an example to the world in this regard. You promote peace by inviting world representatives here. Azerbaijan has already become an international platform."

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