New OSCE PA Special Representative for South Caucasus appointed

New OSCE PA Special Representative for South Caucasus appointed Ditmir Bushati, Head of the OSCE PA’s Albanian Delegation and former Foreign Minister of Albania, has been designated Special Representative on the South Caucasus.
Foreign policy
December 9, 2020 17:02
New OSCE PA Special Representative for South Caucasus appointed

OSCE Parliamentary Assembly President George Tsereteli (Georgia) has appointed Special Representatives to cover the important portfolios of the South Caucasus, Central Asia, and Eastern Europe.

Report informs, Ditmir Bushati, Head of the OSCE PA’s Albanian Delegation and former Foreign Minister of Albania, has been designated Special Representative on the South Caucasus. His mandate includes:

Following the overall political situation in the region and seeking to promote dialogue in all segments of society, in particular at the parliamentary level, to encourage reconciliation and rehabilitation about the protracted conflicts in the region; Considering ways for confidence-building measures to create more favorable conditions conducive to the identification and implementation of political solutions based on the principles and values of OSCE commitments and international law; Working closely with the OSCE Chairmanship and executive structures, the Minsk Group, its Co-Chairs, and the Chairman-in-Office’s Personal Representative on the Conflict Dealt With by the Minsk Group and following the developments in the Geneva International Discussions.

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