Azerbaijan and Russia's joint efforts aim to ensure regional co-op, says Ambassador Elshad Isgandarov

Azerbaijan and Russia's joint efforts aim to ensure regional co-op, says Ambassador Elshad Isgandarov One of the key vectors of Azerbaijan and Russia's joint efforts is to ensure regional political and economic cooperation while limiting attempts at destructive interference from outside, said Elshad Isgandarov, ambassador on special assignments of the Min
Foreign policy
June 21, 2024 12:51
Azerbaijan and Russia's joint efforts aim to ensure regional co-op, says Ambassador Elshad Isgandarov

One of the key vectors of Azerbaijan and Russia's joint efforts is to ensure regional political and economic cooperation while limiting attempts at destructive interference from outside, said Elshad Isgandarov, ambassador on special assignments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, Report informs.

He made these remarks at the 5th meeting of the Russian-Azerbaijani Expert Council in Baku.

"It is gratifying that the platform where our experts meet is already holding its fifth meeting in a short period," Isgandarov emphasized.

He noted that the event exemplifies the realization of the will to further strengthen Russia-Azerbaijan relations.

Reflecting on the initiative's origins three years ago, the Ambassador recalled, "When this idea was first voiced, we noted that this meeting should not be held just once, and there should be a practical outcome of this initiative."

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