Ambassador of Azerbaijan: Armenia does not want peace

Ambassador of Azerbaijan: Armenia does not want peace Armenia does not want peace, Azerbaijan's ambassador to Italy Mammad Ahmadzada told L'Opinione newspaper, one of the leading Italian media outlets.
Foreign policy
September 15, 2022 12:47
Ambassador of Azerbaijan: Armenia does not want peace

Armenia does not want peace, Azerbaijan's ambassador to Italy Mammad Ahmadzada told L'Opinione newspaper, one of the leading Italian media outlets.

The diplomat provided extensive information about the large-scale military provocations committed by the Armenian armed forces in the Dashkasan, Kalbajar, and Lachin directions of the Azerbaijan-Armenia state border.

The ambassador spoke about the large-scale military provocations carried out by the Armenian armed forces against Azerbaijan on September 12-13, the death of a large number of our military personnel during the provocations against the territorial integrity, and the response measures implemented by Azerbaijani armed forces against firing points, which are legitimate military targets, in order to prevent these provocations.

Ahmadzada drew attention to the disinformation of the Armenian side regarding the events and exposed the lies spread by the other side. In the interview, the diplomat informed about the steps taken by our country in the direction of establishing sustainable peace in the region, Armenia's non-fulfillment of its commitments in the post-conflict period, its actions contrary to tripartite statements and agreements reached between the leaders, and the true goals of its recent military provocations against Azerbaijan.

At the same time, the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Italy issued a press release on the recent military provocations of Armenia, and this information was published in the Italian Askanews, Kmetro0, Sardegnagol, "Conquiste del Lavoro, and other media outlets.

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