CBA currency exchange rates (20.05.2020)

CBA currency exchange rates (20.05.2020) According to the official exchange rates of the Central Bank of Azerbaijan for today, the USD remained unchanged at AZN 1.7000, EUR ascended by 0.28% settling at AZN 1.8600 and RUB rose by 0.43% at AZN 0.0235.
May 20, 2020 09:37
CBA currency exchange rates (20.05.2020)

According to the official exchange rates of the Central Bank of Azerbaijan for today, the USD remained unchanged at AZN 1.7000, EUR ascended by 0.28% settling at AZN 1.8600 and RUB rose by 0.43% at AZN 0.0235.

Currency Exchange rates
1 USD (US dollar) 1.7000
1 EUR (Euro) 1.8600
1 RUB (Russian ruble) 0.0235

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