Azerbaijan invests more than $1B in Karabakh and Eastern Zangazur

Azerbaijan invests more than $1B in Karabakh and Eastern Zangazur About 60% (1.8 billion manats ($1.05 billion)) of the 3 billion manat ($1.8 billion) funds intended for construction, restoration, and reconstruction works in Karabakh and Eastern Zangazur in the 2023 state budget have already been used, Finance Minister
June 6, 2023 11:57
Azerbaijan invests more than $1B in Karabakh and Eastern Zangazur

About 60% (1.8 billion manats ($1.05 billion)) of the 3 billion manat ($1.8 billion) funds intended for construction, restoration, and reconstruction work in Karabakh and Eastern Zangazur in the 2023 state budget have already been used, Finance Minister Samir Sharifov said at the plenary session of the Milli Majlis (parliament), Report informs.

"Reconstruction of liberated territories is our new mission, and President Ilham Aliyev has mobilized the people of Azerbaijan to implement this mission. That mission consists of the implementation of the Great Return program. As a result, these areas will also be reintegrated into the economy of Azerbaijan. The foundations of large projects are being laid in Karabakh and Eastern Zangazur, some of these projects have already been completed and put into use," he said.

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