Average monthly salary in Azerbaijan reaches AZN 745

Average monthly salary in Azerbaijan reaches AZN 745 As of April 1, 2020, the number of wageworkers in the economy rose 65,300 people or 4.1% to 1,646,100, with 911,700 people in the state sector, 734,400 in the private sector.
May 18, 2020 12:28
Average monthly salary in Azerbaijan reaches AZN 745

As of April 1, 2020, the number of wageworkers in the economy rose 65,300 people or 4.1% to 1,646,100, with 911,700 people in the state sector, 734,400 in the private sector.

Report informs citing the State Statistical Committee that among the hired workers 20.3% worked in education, 18.9% in trade; repair of transport vehicles, 13% in industry, 8.2% in medical and social services provided to the population, 7.5% in construction, 6.9% in state management and defense; social security, 4.6% in transport and storehouse, 3.5% in professional, scientific and technical activity, 3.3% in agriculture, forestry and fishery, 1.8% in finance and insurance, 13% in other economic spheres.

The average monthly salary of wageworkers grew by 28.9% to AZN 744.5.

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