Student who earned 700 points at entrance exams: “BHOS graduates are employed by best companies”,

Student who earned 700 points at entrance exams: “BHOS graduates are employed by best companies”, Baku. 19 November. REPORT.AZ/ Aslan Ashirov who earned 700 points in this year's entrance exams has given interview to PR department of the Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS).
Education and science
November 19, 2018 10:46
Student who earned 700 points at entrance exams: “BHOS graduates are employed by best companies”,

Baku. 19 November. REPORT.AZ/ Aslan Ashirov who earned 700 points in this year's entrance exams has given interview to PR department of the Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS).

Report presents this interview to readers: 

– Please tell a bit about yourself.

– I am 17 years old. I was born in Georgia, but now I am Azerbaijani citizen. I graduated from the secondary school No 169 in Baku.

– Who played the most important role in your success at the entrance exams?

– I would like to thank my parents, brothers, schoolteachers and friends. They all greatly contributed to my success, which would not be possible without them.

– Aslan, why did you select the first group of specialties?

– The specialty, which I am interested in, is included into this group. However, I also like human sciences.

– Why did you decide to study at the Baku Higher Oil School rather than elsewhere?

–In my view, the Baku Higher Oil School provides the best education to those willing to be engineers. BHOS graduates are employed by the best companies. This can be explained by the fact that this higher educational institution prepares high-qualified professionals.

– What do you like doingin your leisure time?

– I like meeting with friends, practicing programming and playing videogames.

– What profession do you want to obtain at BHOS and why?

– It is Information Security. I have chosen it, as Information Security is a new specialty. The moment I heard the news, I decided to master this profession at BHOS. The demand for Information Security specialists will be growing fast. In addition, I like that I will be dealing with protecting information technologies.

– Was it your own choice? Or did you follow advices from your parents and friends?

– This is my own choice. Actually, I would not recommend anybody to follow advices from others in this case. It is your profession and your life, not theirs.

– What makes you different from others?

– I believe that all people are different and every person is unique. For example, I prefer to listen to myself rather than to follow opinions by others.

– What profession has the most promising future, in your view?

– All professions related to finances, computers and information technologies are professions of the future and the most promising ones.

– What do you plan to do after you graduate from the Higher School?

– I am going to set up my own company and provide services in the field of cybersecurity.

– What does someone need to succeed? Does success entirely depend on a person? Or is it just a result of sheer luck?

– To succeed, you need to set a goal, be self-confident and have good friends. I believe that the success nearly fully depends on the person, but luck also plays its role, if even a very small one.

– What is friendship for you? How do you choose friends?

– I do not select friends for their knowledge or erudition. I prefer like-minded friends, what they called “soul mates”.

– What would you advise prospective students?

– My advice would be as follows: never lose courage, be goal-oriented and do not forget to have fun, even if sometimes.

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