Intellectual contest for knowledge of Europe held in Baku

Intellectual contest for knowledge of Europe held in Baku On July 27, the Delegation of the European Union to Azerbaijan, in cooperation with the Young European Ambassadors, held an intellectual competition called "How well do you know Europe?"
Education and science
July 27, 2022 14:23
Intellectual contest for knowledge of Europe held in Baku

On July 27, the Delegation of the European Union to Azerbaijan, in cooperation with the Young European Ambassadors, held an intellectual competition called "How well do you know Europe?"

Report informs that the event is dedicated to the European Year of Youth. It was attended by the head of the EU Delegation to Azerbaijan, Ambassador Peter Michalko, as well as representatives of the embassies of Germany and France.

Bringing together young talents aged 14 to 26 from all regions of Azerbaijan, this competition contributes to expanding the participants' knowledge of the history of Europe, as well as its values ​​and culture in an interactive way, as well as developing the team spirit of the participants and their analytical skills.

A total of 555 applications were received, of which 66 applicants were allowed to participate in the competition as part of several teams.

Opening the competition, EU Ambassador to Azerbaijan Peter Michalko noted that the European Union is committed to supporting more equal opportunities in education and employment for young people around the world after two very difficult years of the pandemic.

As part of the European Year of Youth, the EU delegation in Azerbaijan held a number of events such as Eurovillage, the European Summer School, where young people play a key role in building a better future.

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