Baku hosts international educational forum

Baku hosts international educational forum Baku hosted an international educational forum organized by Times Higher Education, one of the authoritative world-ranking organizations, and the Western Caspian University, Report informs.
Education and science
September 28, 2022 12:20
Baku hosts international educational forum

Baku hosted an international educational forum organized by Times Higher Education, one of the authoritative world-ranking organizations, and the Western Caspian University, Report informs.

The forum "Partners for a Sustainable Future" was attended by deputies of the Milli Majlis (Parliament) of Azerbaijan, scientists, students, hundreds of researchers, professors and experts from dozens of countries, such as the US, Germany, the UK, China, the United Arab Emirates, Turkiye, Portugal, Pakistan, Malaysia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.

Some representatives of foreign countries also took part in the event online.

The forum addressed the challenges arising from the UN sustainable development goals, the problems faced by education, and ways to solve them.

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