Pace of Azerbaijan's development set as example to world

Pace of Azerbaijan's development set as example to world "The pace of Azerbaijan's development is set as an example in the international arena. The whole world is watching the dynamic development of our country with amazement. The restoration of territorial integrity, and the growth of economic indicators, even
Domestic policy
July 27, 2022 18:32
Pace of Azerbaijan's development set as example to world

"The pace of Azerbaijan's development is set as an example in the international arena. The whole world is watching the dynamic development of our country with amazement. The restoration of territorial integrity, and the growth of economic indicators, even amid the global crisis, give a great impetus to the development course implemented in our country. At present, the Azerbaijani model of growth and progress is recognized worldwide. This model and the course pursued by its founder, President Ilham Aliyev, are highly appreciated," MP Rashad Mahmudov, member of the Board of the New Azerbaijan Party (NAP), told Report.

The MP noted that one of the main priorities of the successful strategy of the head of state is the implementation of high-level reforms in the field of management and personnel:

"Several years ago, when announcing the reforms, the head of state pointed out the shortcomings in the activities of some officials and gave them a stern warning. The fate of those who did not learn a lesson from this warning is already known to everyone - the necessary measures were taken against them, which was positively accepted by the public."

Mahmudov noted that the development and reform strategy of President Ilham Aliyev is not limited to punishing corrupt officials:

"In parallel with this, young, highly educated personnel with modern thinking are involved in public administration. In addition, the head of state personally receives newly appointed officials to high positions and announces to them the tasks set. This can be considered the highest example of the unity of power and people from the point of view of a clear message to the citizens of the current political course. In this sense, the speech of President Ilham Aliyev during the reception of the new heads of the Executive Powers of the Masalli, Lerik, and Goygol district was undoubtedly received with interest by the public and also aroused satisfaction.

The head of state noted that the solution to the problems of families of martyrs, war invalids, and veterans is always kept in the center of the state's attention and stressed the need for the successful continuation of this critical process. The head of state noted that martyrs' families and a vulnerable group from other categories were constantly in the spotlight before and after the Second Karabakh War. They receive state care, and this should be stable. Of course, our country is taking specific measures in this sense, is sensitive to their social problems, and solves everyday difficulties.

Rashad Mahmudov noted that today the positive impact of the socio-economic development program is felt even in the most remote regions:

"The creation of a 'Smart Village' in the territories liberated from occupation creates confidence that other regions will be brought to the highest level of development in the future. Along with the improvement in the regions, attention is paid to improving people's living conditions.

"The development of Azerbaijan has become an example for the whole world. And the sole author of this is the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev. Azerbaijan, with its leader, is successfully moving towards the pinnacle of development it deserves."

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