'New era has begun in Azerbaijan and we are experiencing realities of historic victory' - OPINION

'New era has begun in Azerbaijan and we are experiencing realities of historic victory' - OPINION "A new era has already begun in the life of Azerbaijan and we are living the realities of our historic victory. For two years, we have been celebrating the dates when our lands were freed from occupation, not commemorating occupation dates. We are always
Domestic policy
November 9, 2022 14:19
'New era has begun in Azerbaijan and we are experiencing realities of historic victory' - OPINION

"A new era has already begun in the life of Azerbaijan and we are living the realities of our historic victory. For two years, we have been celebrating the dates when our lands were freed from occupation, not commemorating occupation dates. We are always grateful to the head of state, the victorious Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev and the brave Azerbaijani Army, who brought this pride and joy to our people," the Chairman of the ruling New Azerbaijan Party (YAP) Khatai district organization, doctor of political sciences Vugar Rahimzade said, Report informs.

He recapped that two years have passed since the glorious victory that Azerbaijan won thanks to the determination of the state, the strength and power of the brave Azerbaijani Army under the leadership of the President, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, and the unity of the Azerbaijani people like an iron fist:

"Two years ago, another historic day was added to the list of our holidays. By order of the head of state, Ilham Aliyev, the date of the liberation of Shusha, our cultural capital, which is the crown of Karabakh, was established as Victory Day (November 8). This date, which ended the occupation and the 30-year longing for land, played an important role in our presentation as a victorious country by securing our territorial integrity and is a celebration of our people's power and national pride. Each historic day brings the necessity of analyzing the path taken. Although our people have been eagerly waiting for this day for 30 years, they were sure that as a result of the successful policy of President Ilham Aliyev, our lands will be reunited with their historical owners, former IDPs will return to their native homes, and our Karabakh will become a paradise. The statement 'That day is not far away,' the head of state, Commander-in-Chief Victorious Ilham Aliyev, voiced at the highest stands, expressed all the points. In the statements of the President of the country, this call had a special place, that the people's patience is not infinite."

"Another provocation by the Armenian Armed Forces on September 27, 2020 ended our state's and people's patience. The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Mr. Ilham Aliyev said 'Forward!' The order raised the fighting spirit of the Azerbaijani soldier who had been waiting for this task for years. The liberation of several villages of Jabrayil and Fuzuli from the first days of the Second Karabakh War increased the determination of our soldiers to win and paved the way for further victories. Each of Ilham Aliyev's more than 30 foreign press interviews, which played an important role in our gaining advantage on the information front during the 44-day Second Karabakh War, played an important role in the promotion of historical truths, in conveying the realities that made the war inevitable to the international community, and became a rich source for current and future generations. President Ilham Aliyev wrote his name in history as the savior of our lands, ensuring the territorial integrity of modern independent Azerbaijan, which is the masterpiece of the great leader Heydar Aliyev."

Vugar Rahimzade emphasized that in those interviews, President Ilham Aliyev always expressed confidence in his answers to questions about the future of his country that Azerbaijan would win:

"Of course, the basis for this certainty was the deliberate and purposeful policy of our state, its information campaigns based on truths and historical facts. Every step taken and every decision made during the past years served to liberate native Azerbaijani lands from occupation. The victory achieved in the Patriotic War is the result of the Azerbaijani state's army-building policy and economic development. For many years, Azerbaijan has shown principle at the negotiating table and, at the same time, created a strong army. Army building has always been the priority direction of President Ilham Aliyev's policy. During the presidency of Ilham Aliyev, the basis of the state's budget spending were military expenditures. The army's combat capability was strengthened, and it was equipped with modern weapons and equipment."

Vugar Rahimzade especially noted the role of Azerbaijan's economic and political independence in its historic victory:

"Azerbaijan's strengthened position in the international relations system against the background of increasing economic opportunities is clearly evident today. At the same time, the independent policy of our state paves the way for continued success in all fields, including foreign policy. The resolutions adopted by the UN General Assembly, the Non-Aligned Movement, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the European Parliament, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and other international organizations regarding the former Karabakh conflict once again strengthened Azerbaijan's global position. In the document initialed with the European Union, support was shown for the inviolability of our borders, our sovereignty and territorial integrity. All this created the legal basis for the settlement of the Karabakh conflict, which is now history."

According to him, the 30-year history of international hypocrisy made using military force inevitable in restoring justice. The YAP representative said that Azerbaijan has always demonstrated its commitment to international law and was trying to resolve the conflict through negotiations:

"Armenia's participation in the negotiation process for the sake of imitation, gaining time and preparing a war plan for new territories did not escape the attention of Azerbaijan. President Ilham Aliyev announced the new war plan of the occupying state to the world a few days before the start of the Second Karabakh War at the session of the UN General Assembly. However, unfortunately, most of the world powers were still unaware of this and approached this call of the President of Azerbaijan from a spectator position. On September 27, 2020, the Armed Forces of Armenia fired rockets at the territories of Azerbaijan in different directions, and it once again revealed the intention of the occupying state to implement the war plan for new territories.”

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