Community: Armenia has refused to allow Azerbaijanis to visit their cemeteries

Community: Armenia has refused to allow Azerbaijanis to visit their cemeteries A group of women from Western Azerbaijan sent an appeal to Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, Report informs, citing the Western Azerbaijan Community.
Domestic policy
April 11, 2023 10:43
Community: Armenia has refused to allow Azerbaijanis to visit their cemeteries

A group of women from Western Azerbaijan sent an appeal to Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, Report informs, citing the Western Azerbaijan Community.

"In addition to the ethnic cleansing against Azerbaijanis, Armenia has systematically destroyed Azerbaijani cultural heritage in Armenia. The obliteration of the cultural and religious sites, including mosques, graveyards and other sacred places has not only caused immense pain and suffering to Azerbaijanis but also grossly violates international humanitarian and human rights law. Additionally, during the past three decades, Armenia has refused to allow Azerbaijanis to visit their cemeteries, cultural heritage, and sacred places, despite the fact that such visits are crucial for peace and reconciliation. This inhumane treatment of Azerbaijani cultural heritage and denial of access further exacerbates tensions in the region," the appeal reads.

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