Azerbaijani Ombudsperson tells US envoy about Armenia's crimes, ecocide

Azerbaijani Ombudsperson tells US envoy about Armenia's crimes, ecocide Ombudsperson Sabina Aliyeva has informed US Ambassador to Azerbaijan Mark Libby about the numerous crimes and ecocide committed by Armenia on Azerbaijani lands during the almost 30-year occupation
Domestic policy
September 25, 2024 16:29
Azerbaijani Ombudsperson tells US envoy about Armenia's crimes, ecocide

Ombudsperson Sabina Aliyeva has informed US Ambassador to Azerbaijan Mark Libby about the numerous crimes and ecocide committed by Armenia on Azerbaijani lands during the almost 30-year occupation, Report informs referring to the Ombudsman's office.

Sabina Aliyeva also told the ambassador about her activities in the field of human rights and freedoms protection, stressed the importance of cooperation and exchange of experience with human rights ombudsmen of foreign countries, national human rights institutions, and international organizations. Aliyeva also touched upon the mine threat in the liberated territories.

She noted that the mines laid by Armenia create serious obstacles to the safe return of former internally displaced persons to their native lands and restoration work.

The Ombudsperson added that after the First Karabakh War, about 4,000 Azerbaijani citizens went missing. According to her, the identities of some of the missing persons have been identified and their remains have been reburied, but there is still no information about the fate of the majority.

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