Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society says allegations of some Armenians that 40 tons of flour are poisoned are ridiculous

Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society says allegations of some Armenians that 40 tons of flour are poisoned are ridiculous The Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society called ridiculous the allegations of some Armenians living in Karabakh that 40 tons of flour brought for them are poisonous.
Domestic policy
August 30, 2023 13:35
Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society says allegations of some Armenians that 40 tons of flour are poisoned are ridiculous

The Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society called ridiculous the allegations of some Armenians living in Karabakh that 40 tons of flour brought for them have been poisonedş

Report informs that the General Secretary of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society, Jeyhun Mirzayev, told a group of reporters of Azerbaijani representative offices of the foreign media organizations that anyone can see the goods:

“Our goal is to provide humanitarian aid, to help, of course, our goal is not to poison people. Everyone can see those goods and record them freely.”

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