Azerbaijan explores joining UN's Global Cooling initiatives

Azerbaijan explores joining UN's Global Cooling initiatives In a significant move towards environmental stewardship, Azerbaijan is considering joining the United Nations' Global Cooling initiatives.
June 27, 2024 20:09
Azerbaijan explores joining UN's Global Cooling initiatives

In a significant move towards environmental stewardship, Azerbaijan is considering joining the United Nations' Global Cooling initiatives.

According to Report, Elnur Aliyev, First Deputy Minister of Economy, held crucial talks with Inger Andersen, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP).

During the discussions, Aliyev emphasized Azerbaijan's progress in adopting alternative and renewable energy sources. He outlined the country's efforts in applying environmentally friendly "green" technologies and transitioning towards a "green" economy. These initiatives align with Azerbaijan's National Priorities.

The meeting also touched upon Azerbaijan's preparations for hosting COP29 in Baku.

The UN representatives commended Azerbaijan's recent efforts in transitioning to alternative energy. They particularly praised the country's declaration of 2023 as the Green World Solidarity Year and the subsequent environmental initiatives.

Both parties explored opportunities to expand cooperation with the UN Environment Programme. Discussions included the possibility of Azerbaijan joining UNEP's financial initiatives and the Global Cooling program.

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