Political scientist: French leadership understands importance of Azerbaijan

Political scientist: French leadership understands importance of Azerbaijan France accepts new realities because it understands that if it builds its agenda on old realities, it will not be able to secure its strategic interests in the region, political scientist Ilgar Valizade told Report.
February 5, 2022 15:34
Political scientist: French leadership understands importance of Azerbaijan

France accepts new realities because it understands that if it builds its agenda on old realities, it will not be able to secure its strategic interests in the region, political scientist Ilgar Valizade told Report.

He said the French leadership is well aware that the normalization of relations with Azerbaijan is crucial for them in many respects.

According to him, France intends to maintain its influence not only in the South Caucasus but also in the Caspian region, and also attaches great importance to the protection of economic interests in Azerbaijan:

"Azerbaijan is an important supplier of gas to Europe. For example, Total is engaged in large projects in Azerbaijan. France understands this and wants to establish a normal dialogue with Azerbaijan. If the French side had blindly supported the Armenians, this dialogue would have been impossible, and it would lose in the first place. Armenia, as a country that lost in the war, has nothing to give to France: neither economic dividends nor strengthening of political prestige. Thus, taking into account all these points, France is trying to pursue a pragmatic policy in the region," Valizade said.

Commenting on the meeting of the leaders of Azerbaijan, France, Armenia, and the President of the EU Council in the video format, the political scientist emphasized that the joint statement adopted following the meeting has no mention of either the OSCE Minsk Group or the 'Karabakh conflict.'

"Discussions about such outdated concepts as the Minsk Group, the Karabakh conflict, and others are unproductive and irrelevant and, as a result, are a waste of time. Azerbaijan's position also plays a key role here. In recent years, Azerbaijan has been an important supplier of gas to the EU, and I think that this factor should not be overlooked," Valizade said.

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