Azerbaijani and Georgian Defence Ministers meet in Tbilisi

Tbilisi. 16 October. REPORT.AZ/ Azerbaijani Defence Minister, Colonel General Zakir Hasanov has been received by Georgian Defence Minister Levan Izoria.

Georgia bureau of Report News Agency informs, in the meeting, views exchanged on the processes in the South Caucasus and in the world, perspectives of regional military cooperation, regional security, territorial integrity and sovereignty of states, military training, joint participation in training processes, perspectives of Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey military cooperation, as well as on other issues of mutual interest.

L. Izoria expressed satisfaction with the welcome of his Azerbaijani counterpart in Georgia again and said that the Georgian people never forget about the assistance provided by Azerbaijan in hard and difficult times: "Azerbaijan has provided great assistance to us in extinguishing recent Borjomi fires. I have witnessed heroism of the Azerbaijani rescuers. I'd like to once again thank the Azerbaijani side for this assistance".

Then, the minister stressed that cooperation between the two countries in the military field is developing and that this is an example for other countries.

Expressing gratitude for the warm welcome and pleasant remarks, Z. Hasanov said that the people and state of Azerbaijan always ready to help the friendly and brotherly Georgian people: "Today, we cooperate efficiently in all areas in the region, as well as in the military field, which serve strengthening peace in the region and in the world".

Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Georgia Dursun Hasanov also attended the meeting.

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