Ukraine hosts boxing tournament organized by Azerbaijanis

Azerbaijanis organized a tournament in Ukraine among about 70 young boxers from Poltava, Kremenchuk, Mirgorod, Kirovohrad, and Novi Sanzhary.

According to Report, the tournament was held with the support of the Congress of Ukrainian Azerbaijanis in the Poltava region, Poltava city council, and district councils.

One of the two chief referees of the tournament is an Azerbaijani international boxing referee Emin Mahmudov, and the general secretary is Ruslan Mahmudov. In addition, 18 participants of the tournament were trained by Emin Mahmudov, and his brothers, professional boxers Ruslan Mahmudov and Elman Mahmudov.

Among the winners are Azerbaijanis of different weight categories - Andrey Mustafayev, Anvar Musrailov, Ayaz Bakayev, and Ruslan Badalov.

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