Medalists of 3rd Summer Youth Olympic Games awarded

Baku. 1 November. REPORT.AZ/ Today, the National Olympic Committee (NOC) has awarded the winners of the Azerbaijani Olympic team participating in Buenos Aires 2018 Summer Youth Olympic Games.

Report informs, that Minister of Youth and Sport Azad Rahimov, Deputy Minister Ismail Ismayilov, Vice President of NOC Chingiz Huseynzade, Secretary General of the Agency Agajan Abiyev, Deputy General Secretary of the National Olympic Committee Azer Aliyev, representatives of the federation and others attended the event.

Opening the ceremony, Huseynzade congratulated athletes on their achievements. Rahimov also praised the participation of Azerbaijani athletes in the 3rd Summer Youth Olympic Games.

Then the athletes were rewarded.

Athletes and coaches expressed their gratitude to the Ministry of Youth and Sports and NOC. Finally, the athletes and officials took a memorial photo.

Notably, 17 Azerbaijani athletes who left for Argentina won 2 gold, 1 silver and 3 bronze medals.

In total, the Azerbaijani team ranked 34th out of 208 countries and 38th in the medal standing.

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