Samad Seyidov: I will attend PACE summer session and express my position

Baku. 9 June. REPORT.AZ/ "I will attend the PACE summer session and will express my position".

Report informs, member of the Milli Majlis, the head of the Azerbaijani delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), Samad Seyidov told journalists.

"No sanctions can be imposed on fulfilling my functions, and I am a member of the Bureau. Realizing position of one group does not mean that we will refuse. We will work actively in the PACE. I am sure that their desires will not realize" , he noted.

S. Seyidov said that on the first day of the summer session of PACE the report on presidential elections in Azerbaijan will be discussed: "During the session, one issue that concerns the Azerbaijani delegation will be discussed as well. It is the issue on re- appointing of rapporteur on political prisoners. Appointing of rapporteur is not a constructive approach. Let them determine, we do not dread it. "

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