Pasha Bank to build activities on decision-making systems until 2024

"Last year, 42 billion manats was circulated on the accounts of Pasha Bank's customers," said Taleh Kazimov, CEO and Chairman of the Board of Pasha Bank, speaking at an online conference on the role of financial institutions in the development of the digital ecosystem.

He noted that 92% of Pasha Bank's communication with legal entities is through digital channels, while in small and medium enterprises, this figure has already reached 99.6%:

"According to our observations, the demand for digital services in the real sector has been growing recently. Our strategy for 2021-2023 shows that we will build our development activities on decision-making systems because there is a great demand.

"Pasha Bank has been serving the small and medium business segment since 2018. At present, the number of our active customers has increased from 1,400 to 9,000, and our loan portfolio has grown from 20 million to 160 million manats. And we have achieved this thanks to digitalization."

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