Economic reforms in Azerbaijan will be presented at EP Business Forum

Baku. 24 October. REPORT.AZ/ A delegation led by Vusal Gasimli, Executive Director of the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication (CAERC), has visited Estonia to attend the 4th Eastern Partnership Business Forum in this country.

CAERC PR Manager Zanura Talibova told Report that the business forum traditionally takes place before the Eastern Partnership Summit of the European Union (EU).

According to her, the event serves expansion of economic relations between the EU and the Eastern Partnership countries.

In the forum, presentations will be made on the development of e-economy and governance in Azerbaijan, including Mobile ID project, Digital Trade Junction and Azexport portal, as well as successful economic reforms in the country will be discussed.

During the visit, Memorandum of Mutual Understanding will be signed between CAERC and Estonia's Eastern Partnership Center.

The Memorandum defines directions of cooperation between the EU and Azerbaijan to strengthen the position of the country as a Digital Trade Junction. 

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