6.7 billion cubic meters of gas transported via TANAP

In January-August this year, Turkey imported 7.2 billion cubic meters of gas, 25.3% more than in the corresponding period of 2019, Report says, citing Azerbaijan's Energy Ministry.

2.8 billion cubic meters of gas were transported to Turkey during this period via Trans-Anatolian Gas Pipeline (TANAP).

From June 30, 2018, to September 1, 2020, about 6.7 billion cubic meters of gas were delivered to Turkey through TANAP.

Notably, natural gas produced from Azerbaijan's Shah Deniz field is transported to the Turkish market via the South Caucasus Pipeline (Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum) and TANAP. The first gas entered the Turkish market via the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum pipeline in 2007. The supply of commercial gas to Turkey via TANAP began on June 30, 2018.

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