Hassan Rouhani congratulates President Ilham Aliyev

Baku. 13 April. REPORT.AZ/ President of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI), Hassan Rouhani has congratulated the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev

Report informs, text of the message says: 

"Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your re-election as President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

This choice reflects the support of the people of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the government`s programs as well as their interest in the continuation of the path of development and well-being in your country under your leadership.

I am sure that the development of friendship and brotherhood between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan, which stems from common history, religious and cultural values, will continue through collaborated efforts of officials of the two countries.

May Allah the Almighty give Your Excellency the best of health and success and bless the people of Azerbaijan with prosperity and well-being."

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