Tajikistan, Azerbaijan eye developing agricultural co-op

Tajikistan, Azerbaijan eye developing agricultural co-op Tajikistan and Azerbaijan have agreed to develop cooperation in the field of agriculture
November 1, 2023 14:11
Tajikistan, Azerbaijan eye developing agricultural co-op

Tajikistan and Azerbaijan have agreed to develop cooperation in the field of agriculture, according to the press service of the Tajik Foreign Ministry, Report informs referring to Tajik media.

An agreement in this direction was reached during a meeting between Ambassador of Tajikistan in Baku Ilhom Abdurahmon and Minister of Agriculture of Azerbaijan Majun Mammadov.

At the meeting, the parties discussed the current state of relations between the two countries, as well as prospects for the development of cooperation in the agricultural sector.

Abdurahmon and Mammadov expressed their readiness to promote the development of bilateral cooperation in the field of agriculture.

The relevant departments will engage in personnel training, education and exchange of experience in the field of digitalization of agriculture.

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