Number of laws adopted by Azerbaijani Parliament during independence years made public

Number of laws adopted by Azerbaijani Parliament during independence years made public Baku. 19 September. REPORT.AZ/ The total number of laws adopted by the Azerbaijani Parliament over the past 27 years - including laws on amendments to existing legislation and ratification of international treaties - is about 5,992, First Deputy Speaker of Azerbaijan’s Parliament Ziyafat Asgarov said.
Milli Majlis
September 19, 2018 14:41
Number of laws adopted by Azerbaijani Parliament during independence years made public

Baku. 19 September. REPORT.AZ/ "The total number of laws adopted by the Azerbaijani Parliament over the past 27 years - including laws on amendments to existing legislation and ratification of international treaties - is about 5,992," First Deputy Speaker of Azerbaijan’s Parliament  Ziyafat Asgarov said.

According to Report, he noted that after the end of rich and momentous Heydar Aliyev's period in the Azerbaijani parliament, the Milli Majlis continued its activity over time, in accordance with the Constitution, laws and the traditions of parliamentarism.

Asgarov noted that the activity of the Milli Majlis of the first calling was remembered against the backdrop of the adoption of normative legal acts, codes, constitutional laws that were important in the life of the country, state building and the stabilization of the legislation in the period until the third calling: "797 laws were adopted in the first calling, while 843 in the second calling , 956 in the third calling, 1267 in the fourth calling and 1129 laws in the fifth calling (by June 29, 2018). The approximate number of acts adopted from 1991 to 1995 is more than 1000."

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